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  • The global semiconductor materials market reached a record $64.3 billion last year

The global semiconductor materials market reached a record $64.3 billion last year

A shortage of semiconductor parts hit auto and consumer electronics early last year, affecting many manufacturers as they ramped up production to meet strong demand and raise prices.

Driven by the strong demand for semiconductor products, the demand for semiconductor materials also increased significantly, and the size of the global semiconductor materials market also expanded last year.

According to SEMI, the global semiconductor materials market reached $64.3 billion in 2021, up $8.8 billion from $55.5 billion in 2020 and up 15.9% year on year, setting a new high.

In the semiconductor materials market last year, the size of the wafer manufacturing materials market was $40.4 billion, up 15.5% year on year, according to ISMA. The packaging materials market was $23.9 billion, up 16.5 percent year on year.

The size of the global semiconductor materials market expanded significantly last year, mainly due to increased chip demand and the expansion of manufacturers. Ajit Manocha, president and CEO of the International Semiconductor Industry Association, said the global semiconductor materials market will see a rare surge in growth in 2021, driven by strong chip demand and industry capacity expansion.

Ajit Manocha also revealed that the acceleration of the transition to digital and the demand for electronic products has also increased significantly, with all semiconductor materials sectors Posting double-digit or high single-digit growth last year.


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